Here is my first concept painting of what could be one of the characters or inspiration for them. I used this as a guide for modeling and painting in Mudbox. The goal was to create a fairly simple piece of geometry sculpted entirely in Mudbox (without and help from Maya) and use Trompe L'oeil painting techniques to create the illusion of depth. The painted render below uses no lighting, the entire effect is painted onto the model.

After completing this test I wanted to give Zbrush a try. I've chosen a completely different subject so it's not a perfect 1:1 comparison but Zbrush is certainly a better sculpting tool. Something about the way the tools impact the 3d form is far more natural. Additionally it has an array of beautiful "materials" that look remarkably like different types of clay. I think this helps me get in the mindset of sculpting, whereas Mudbox materials always look like 3D models. However I'm not impressed with Zbrush's user interface and think its "2.5d" paradigm is very confusing. Will continue exploring.

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